watching TV (digital, mobile, satellite, iP and HD). In every edition, the related hardware is also critically examined along with the latest gadgets in the field of photography and film, music and entertainment. READER 35-49 In fact, Totaal TV’s target group is aged 35-49 years, making it complementary to Veronica magazine. A third of our readers in age category 35-49 years and a quarter are between 50 and 64 years old. A quarter in the category 15-34 years old. The percentage of women to men is 48%-52%. INQUISITIVE READERS The strongly-growing group of readers who are interested in television, film and all the digital developments find this formula very attractive. Totaal TV reaches more than 156,000 readers every 2 weeks. The most recent reader survey showed that, in addition to the usual television and film news, people are also especially interested in the more technical articles. This is how Totaal TV stands out from all other magazines. VIEWER: HDTV AND MANY CHANNELS Slightly more than 60% percent of our readers watch HDTV, so Totaal TV now includes HDTV programmes in its TV information. It is the first TV guide to do so. Around 60% of our readers also have access to extra TV channel packages. The most popular of these are the family, sports and film packages. Totaal TV is a trendsetter in the field of watching TV and TV technology, and is regularly cited as a source in the professional media. The editorial office creates special campaigns and, as a result, regularly creates ‘buzz’ around the Totaal TV brand. Examples include the election of the digital channel of the year and the successful search for the oldest television in the Netherlands in 2010. TOTAALTV.NL: STRONG GROWTH The website was good for more than 550,000 unique visitors in 2010. This was a remarkable increase of 46% compared with 2009. realises an average reach of 1% of the 13 years and older group per month. Totaal TV is the Dutch most comprehensive TV guide and is often the first to introduce news and innovations when it comes to TV, and particularly digital TV. 13 Pagina 12

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