case warner bros Sold out!four days 70,000 DVDS within Successful ‘countdown’ print campaign Veronica magazine loves film. For years, it has had the most complete overview of films appearing on television, and it pays a great deal of attention to new releases on DVD and in the cinema every week. The magazine was, therefore, the perfect partner, both in terms of advertisements and editorial content, to carry out the campaign for the Warner Home Video DVD Collector’s Editions. RESULT: The objective was to sell out the whole collection. Not only was Veronica magazine called in, but television transmission time was also reserved on SBS6 to this end. In retrospect, the latter was superfluous. The power of Veronica magazine was so great that the whole stock of 70,000 DVDs was sold out within a few days of the start of the campaign. The success of the sales activation campaign was unprecedented. PROPOSITION Product Objective Message DVD Collector’s Editions Sell out the DVD Collector’s Editions Only for Veronica magazine subscribers – a selection of 10 top Warner Home Video DVDs with 90% discount. • Print: Week 0, teaser through 1/1 page at pole position; • Week 1: announcement + 7x 1/1 page editorial; Countdown of days until the start of ordering in the form of spots during the TV programming; • Online: at DVD, the magazine’s own campaign homepage; • TV: 25-second TV spot on SBS which was withdrawn almost immediately because the DVDs were sold old within record time! ENORMOUS DISCOUNT, SMART PROMOTION Sometimes a campaign can be almost too successful. The creative ‘countdown’ print campaign in Veronica magazine for the Warner Home Video DVD Collector’s Editions was so effective that the accompanying TV spot had to be removed from the TV earlier. All 70,000 DVDs were sold out in no time! In cooperation with Warner, Veronica magazine opted for a ‘countdown’ campaign. Readers were informed of the offer every day in the week prior to the campaign, and then warmed up every day during the campaign week itself until the moment that they could order the DVDs. The price was an extra draw, and so was the fact that an additional bonus disc, with unique material specially for enthusiasts, was included. All the editorial and advertising content for the campaign was put together by Veronica specialists in close cooperation with the client. Use of media 38 Pagina 37

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