veronica magazine g Do you want to reach a young target group effectively and inexpensively? Veronica magazine enables you to target 19% of the entire Dutch population older than 13 years. The percentage of commercial media purchasing target groups reached is even higher as a result of our young profile. One advertisement therefore enables you to reach a quarter of a commercial media target group. And the cost per thousand is very competitive. Read all about it in our facts & figures insert in the centre of this publication. was 858,346. The average paid circulation is 848,641 copies per edition, making Veronica magazine the largest paying publication in the Netherlands by far (Source: HOI Q2 2010). HITCH A RIDE WITH A STRONG BRAND Veronica magazine is an attractive partner for advertisers from the brand point of view too. The Veronica magazine brand is deeply rooted in Dutch history and, after 35 years, it is still going strong with a young, innovative and high-profile image. Everyone knows Veronica magazine. You only have to look at the brand recognition (92%) to see that. STABLE CIRCULATION, STABLE REACH No less than 93% of the people who buy Veronica magazine are subscribers. And that provides security, because a stable circulation means a stable reach. The average total distributed circulation of Veronica magazine in the second quarter of 2010 Why are readers so enthusiastic? “EVERYONE IN OUR FAMILY READS IT. IT REALLY IS A VERY ALL-ROUND magazine.” “I AM PARTICULARLY HAPPY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION ABOUT FILMS ON TV, AT THE CINEMA AND RELEASED ON DVD.” “IF YOU COMPARE IT WITH OTHER TV GUIDES, VERONICA SIMPLY HAS THE MOST INFORMATION.” ‘’IT SUITS ME DOWN TO THE GROUND. IT HAS FILM, ENTERTAINMENT, INTERVIEWS, GAMES AND CURRENT AFFAIRS.’’ “LOVELY FRONT COVER AND GREAT INTERVIEWS. THE CHANNELS ARE ARRANGED IN A VERY ORDERLY MANNER AND THE TWO PAGES WITH HIGHLIGHTS FOR EACH DAY ARE HANDY TOO.” “APART FROM BEING A TV GUIDE, VERONICA magazine IS ALSO A magazine WITH REPORTS AND ARTICLES. I ALWAYS ENJOY READING IT” 8 Pagina 7

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