Startrax and Hillywood sections and the female reader can find her weekly content of human interest in the interviews and the Faq section. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to read the latest news about DVDs, Digilife, games, sport and cars (Wheels). The television and film sections and stories are of general interest and are equally popular amongst men and women. So there is something for everyone! Profile % POPULAR AMONGST YOUNG PEOPLE Veronica magazine is focused on young people. No less than 37% of its readers are aged 15-34 years. The magazine also appeals greatly to the target group of 35-49 years (36%). Altogether, that adds up to almost 2 million readers! The sections about the latest music, games and films at the cinema are favourite amongst the young target group. If you advertise in Veronica magazine, you reach 23% of all the households in the age group 20-49 years. source: NOM PM: 2009-2 2010-1 Percentage reach in commercial target groups ENORMOUS REACH, LOW COSTS 7 Pagina 6

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