case heineken Activation campaign arouses brand affinity amongst consumers eNoRMoUS reach Consumers felt the full charge of that unique ‘Dutch team feeling’ of the Holland Heineken House in Vancouver as a result of a special insert in Veronica magazine. The ‘Heineken-Dutch team feeling’ was also reinforced within Heineken, by means of a customised cover which was distributed to all employees and in the Holland Heineken House! with tailor-made campaign ◀ tailor made cover PROPOSITION Heineken • To make Heineken more relevant to consumers by activation through the Holland Heineken House so that they become bigger fans of the Heineken brand • To generate loyalty, both amongst visitors and those who stay at home. Target group VIPS, athletes, young and old. Message Alert readers’ attention to the Holland Heineken House through The Daily Dutch, the Dutch newspaper in Vancouver. Use of media• 16-page insert magazine in the centre of the Veronica magazine Olympic Number • Tailor-made cover for all 8,500 Heineken employees in the Netherlands and 1000 copies of this special ‘Heineken’ Veronica magazine in the Holland Heineken House in Vancouver • Online activation at Product Objective OPTIMUM EFFECT FOR CONSUMERS AND HEINEKEN The Holland Heineken House. Surely every Dutch person wanted to experience that ‘Heineken-Dutch team feeling’ along with other fans, prominent figures and members of the Royal Family? For those who stayed at home, Heineken produced an impressive 16-page insert in a unique cooperation project with students from the School of Journalism and Veronica magazine. Consumers were kept informed of all the news concerning the Holland Heineken House and the games by means of The Daily Dutch. We also sent all 8,500 Heineken employees a special Veronica magazine publication, with a custom-made cover, to enhance the Olympic experience within Heineken! And we sent 1000 copies to the Holland Heineken House in Vancouver too. These striking, creative activities raised the ‘Heineken-Dutch team’ feeling inside and outside Heineken tremendously. 18 Pagina 17

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