case unox Synergybe bet Synergy PROPOSITION Product UNOX Message ‘Watch the skating the good old fashioned way’ at home again. Objective • To raise Unox’s image, product recognition and turnover during the winter period • To boost the Mittens campaign • To promote Unox Mittens as unique promotional items. Use of • Fold-out cover with skating event schedule media • 1/3 vertical advertisement: ’Unox ‘On your lap’ menus • Advertising spots: Advertisements that link in with the Olympic skating events • 1/1 pagina’s & advertisin RESULT: ALL SALES AND MARKETING OBJECTIVES WERE ACHIEVED! • There was additional Unox growth during the Olympic period • Unox was number one brand at the Olympic Games (Measured by the Telegraaf) • There was an increase in incremental volume and sponsor familiarity • The Mittens were given extensive editorial exposure in all media types editing & adver AN ENTIRE magazine FULL OF UNOX AND SKATING Not only did the Unox marketing campaigns have to generate extra turnover but also, and especially, to increase the interest in the Olympic skating events on television. After all, Unox had a very prominent position in Vancouver with regard to commercials. Thanks to a fold-out cover with skating champion Sven Kramer as cover model and a skating event schedule, editorial attention and striking advertisements throughout the whole magazine, interest in the Olympic skating and the Unox Mittens campaign was greatly increased, in cooperation with Albert Heijn. ▶ TV skating event schedule 20 Pagina 19

Pagina 21

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