case Ford fiesta Dance event A wilful car, a young target group, contemporary music. Veronica magazine got together with Ford Nederland to work on a campaign for the new Ford Fiesta on the basis of these three ingredients. The aims were: connectivity, brand perception and the branding of the Fiesta with music. Veronica magazine was also called in to organise a dance event as an element of a carefully-controlled multimedia campaign! Optimum branding and brand perception organised to perfection! PROPOSITION Ford Fiesta • To further expand the branding of Fiesta with music through a multimedia campaign; • To focus the attention on a single Fiesta model in order to realise sales. Target group • Men (secondary target group: women), aged 23-35 years; • Trend followers, above average. Message • Feel the difference with Ford Fiesta Summer Sounds. Use of media • Print, radio, TV, outdoor and online; • 6 pages in Veronica magazine; • Television and radio spots, outdoor campaign, internet campaign, website. Product Objective ALLOW PEOPLE TO FEEL WHAT FIESTA IS ALL ABOUT Ford Fiesta Summer Sounds in the centre of Bloemendaal was the closing ceremony of an extensive multimedia campaign. Veronica magazine was not only called in for advertising reasons but also to organise the dance party. This meant that the campaign and party were perfectly geared to one another. The location in Bloemendaal was furnished and decorated in the Ford style, with a mega LED wall and beautiful lighting, and the line-up was very varied. 22 Pagina 21

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