g generate traffic Isabelle Beukert, acting Sales Promotion Manager, WE Fashion tectiviteit f once more fectiviteit ▶ cover pass ▲ spot advertisement its “SIGNIFICANT RISE IN TRAFFIC AND TURNOVER” “Every time a campaign like this runs in Veronica magazine, there is a clear increase in the number of people visiting WE shops. The result is a significant rise in turnover. The cover pass in combination with the high circulation of Veronica magazine enables us to reach a large and interesting target group. WE and Veronica magazine match really well!” PASS ON THE COVER: PROVEN PLUS PROPOSITION This year, WE again opted to collaborate with Veronica magazine specialists and put out an exclusive discount card on the front of Veronica magazine. The idea was to generate extra traffic in the shop. This is a proven plus proposition which, in combination with a catchy advertisement, two well-thought-out magazine spots and the use of WE’s own media channels, realised optimum contact. RESULT: MORE TRAFFIC AND MORE TURNOVER The cover pass brought about demonstrably more traffic in WE shops during the campaign period and, consequently, tills rang up more sales. There is no better proof of how powerful this combination of plus proposition and advertisements can be. 25 Pagina 24

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